Patient management guidance

Published: 03/06/2020

General guidance

NICE guidance

"NICE guidelines are evidence-based recommendations for health and care in England. 

They set out the care and services suitable for most people with a specific condition or need, and people in particular circumstances or settings. 

Our guidelines help health and social care professionals to:

  • prevent ill health
  • promote and protect good health
  • improve the quality of care and services
  • adapt and provide health and social care services." (NICE, 2020)

NICE clinical knowledge summaries

"Providing primary care practitioners with a readily accessible summary of the current evidence base and practical guidance on best practice." (NICE CKS, 2020)


British Thoracic Society guidelines

"BTS has been at the forefront of Guideline production in respiratory medicine for over 30 years. Our Guideline production process is accredited by NICE (awarded 2011, renewed 2017).  NICE Accreditation is valid for all our Guidelines published since July 2010 and runs until November 2021." (BTS, 2020)


National Clinical Guidelines for Stroke

"This guideline is the most comprehensive and up to date document on how stroke care should be provided covering the whole pathway from pre-hospital care to long-term management.  It is de-signed not just for clinicians but also for patients and their families and carers, and those with re-sponsibility for commissioning stroke services.  However, there are still too many areas where the recommendations are based on a consensus of the experts on the guideline development group.  We desperately need the research to confirm or refute these views, so the other important role for this guideline is to help researchers and the funding bodies to identify the key questions that still need to be answered through research." (Royal College of Physicians, 2016)

EBRSR (evidence-base for outcome measures, interventions etc).

"Welcome to the 19th edition of the EBRSR. The EBRSR now includes in-depth reviews of well over 4,500 studies including over 2,170 randomized controlled trials. Parts of the EBRSR have been translated into a number of languages.

We extend sincere gratitude to the Canadian Partnership for Stroke Recovery (CPSR), a joint initiative of the Heart and Stroke Foundation and Canada's leading stroke research centres, for funding the EBRSR." (EBRSR, 2020). 
