Signs of Good and Bad Placement Educators

Published: 30/08/2021

During my placements I have had a mixture of good and bad educators. These are my signs of both good and bad placement educators as well as my tips for how to manage sub-optimal placement educators.

Good placement educator

Bad placement educator

  • Enthusiastic
  • Supportive and nurturing
  • Patient
  • Welcomes you and makes you feel apart of the team
  • Provides useful and specific feedback with action points or examples of how to improve/implement
  • Encourages you to focus on settling in during your 1st week
  • Checks on your wellbeing
  • Provides challenges for you without over stretching or overestimating your ability
  • Available for support if required or has appointed another individual if away
  • Explains about new conditions/techniques/treatments
  • Encourages and welcomes questions

  • Not passionate about their area of practice
  • Doesn’t check your work particularly when you are inexperienced or not assessed as competent
  • Generic non-specific feedback that is difficult to action/implement
  • Leaves you feeling like a ‘fish out of water’
  • Don’t feel you can go to them if you have a problem or issue
  • Doesn’t explain/give an overview about new conditions/techniques/treatments

How to get the most of out of a placement with a sub-optimal placement educator

  • When you are given non-specific feedback ask questions to try to gain more specific details such as 'what area do I need to specifically or most need to work on?' 
  • Try to find another member of the team who would provide good guidance (if possible)
  • Seek support from your peers
  • If you feel uncomfortable doing something, make your feelings known and explain why e.g. inexperience or lacking in confidence
