6 basic cleaning products you will need

Published: 01/11/2021

These are my recommendations of the 6 basic and the minimum number of cleaning products any student will require to help keep your student house clean (either for end of tenancy cleaning or for regular cleans). 

1. Cream cleanser

This is a really useful product for removing toothpaste deposits etc from basins. Squirt some onto the basin you want to clean and wipe it around the basin with a cloth (use elbow grease on any deposits until they have been removed). Rinse the cloth and basin to remove the cleanser.

2. All-purpose surface cleaner

This product is useful for cleaning kitchen floors and bathtubs.

For bathtubs 

Simply pour a little into the bathtub, wipe around with a cloth then rinse off with water.

For kitchen floors

Add the amount of the surface cleaner suggested on the packaging into the mop bucket, mix with warm water. Dip the mop into the bucket then squeeze out (to remove excess liquid), then wipe the mop around the kitchen floor. 

3. Degreaser cleaning spray

This type of spray is useful for removing any grease created by cooking. I would recommend using this type of spray on your cooking hobs.

4. Baking soda

Baking soda is useful in a variety of ways, it can be combined with other products to clean ovens (see recipe at the bottom of the blog post for details) or made into a paste to help remove tea stains.

For tea stains

Dampen a cloth and dip the cloth into some baking soda (creating a paste). Rub this paste on any tea stains (teaspoons or surfaces) and keep rubbing until the tea stain has been removed. Rinse the surface with water to remove the baking soda residue. 

5. Soda crystals

Soda crystals work really well at unblocking kitchen sinks, by breaking down any fat deposits. Pour boiled water down the tap, then pour soda crystals into the drain and leave for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes was away the soda crystals with boiling water. 

6. Distilled vinegar (white/clear)

Look at the oven cleaning recipe below for details.

Cheap oven cleaning recipe and instructions


1/2 cup of washing liquid

1 and 1/2 cups of baking soda

1/4 cup of distilled vinegar

Mix into a paste and spread all over the surfaces in the oven that you want to clean, leave overnight.

The next morning clean the oven with a wet sponge and clean water to remove the paste. Voila, a clean oven. 

Bonus item sugar soap

What is it used for?

  • Kitchen worktops, bathrooms and workshops
  • Cleaning floors (wood and laminate)
  • Cleaning tiles
  • Cleaning outdoor furniture
  • Degrease kitchen appliances
  • Clean doors and door frames
  • Cleaning toilets, baths and sinks
  • Clean and degrease car engines
  • Cleaning car interiors

What does the solution react with to clean the surface?

  • It removes nicotine stains, oil and grease. It is also a good all-around cleaner.

Further details about sugar soap and how to make it yourself with household items: https://ratedbytrade.com/what-is-sugar-soap/
