Practical sessions

Published: 28/09/2020

My guide to getting the most learning out of your practical sessions.

Top tips

  • Ask plenty of questions (you won’t be the only one)
  • Take the opportunity to practice and seek peer or lecturer feedback on your technique
  • Take an A5 notebook to write down notes and to be able to draw diagrams


At first this may seem daunting, especially when you are the first to break the silence. However, you are likely to ask the same question everyone in the class has been wondering but are too afaird to ask. The more you and others ask questions. The less daunting it will seem to others creating a positive learning environment.


This may seem obvious but some may finding it daunting to try and new skill. Remember that you are all as inexperienced as each other and are unlikely to do any harm. Ask your practical partner to give you feedback on your technique: are you pressing too harm, moving the area to quickly etc. This peer feedback will help your handling technique to develop and be good when you are faced with patients.


Always bring a notebook and pen (or pencil). This will be vital in enabling you to create summary notes and providing a resource to refer back to. If you have any questions or areas you are weak on note these down and approach the lecture at the end of the session or try googling the answer. Physiotutors provide great MSK assessment videos. 
