Common acroynms

 Published: 27/10/2020

Updated: 06/11/2020

My list of commonly used acroynms for different settings.

Respiratory / Medical

Clinical Physio instagram medical acroynmns post

PE = Pulmonary embolism

DVT = deep vein thrombosis

COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

ACBT = active cycle of breathing techniques

SOBAR = shortness of breath at rest

SOBOE = shortness of breath on exertion


NAD = no abnormality detected

HEP = home exercise plan

FROM = full range of motion

Clinical Physio instagram Common Musculoskeletal terms part 2


PD = Parkinson's disease

MS = multiple sclerosis

MND = motor neurone disease

SOEOB = sitting on the edge of the bed

3WW = three wheeled walker

|| = parrallel bars


BIBA = brought in by ambulance

Leave any other acroynmns you have encountered in the comments section below.
