
Published: 25/10/2020

These are my tips on 

1. how to get better at reflections and 

2. helpful resources for reflections.

Books on reflection

Tools for Continuing Professional Development 2nd edition by Chia Hong and Deborah Harrison

This book explains the principles of reflection techniques and formats such as SWOT. It also provides examples from students and clinicians.

Helpful templates

CSP e-portfolio

These template are a helpful way to structure and shape your individual reflections. When you feel more confident you can make your own templates to fill in. 

My own templates

Padesky 5 Aspects inspired reflection framework


Review date:


Where? When? Who with? What happened? How?




What went through my mind at that time?




What emotion did I feel at that time? How intense was that feeling (0-100%)?



What I did or didn’t do

What didn’t I do or what did I avoid doing? What autonomic reactions did I have? What would other people have seen me doing? What did I do and why?




Action plan


VAS Scale template


For this scale 0 = no confidence, 10 = full confidence























Why not 10:




Action plan

Reflection Diary 

What happened?


How did this experience make you feel?


What was good and bad about the experience?


What have I learnt?


What would I do different?


How will this affect my future patients?


Action plan…



 Please let me know in the comments below if you have any useful tips, tricks or templates for reflections. I would love to hear about them.
