Student Budget Friendly Exercise ideas

Published: 09/05/2021

These are my ways of exercising or working out without having to pay for expensive gym memberships or making a large hole in my bank account. 

Gym replacements

Everyone already appreciates the comforts of working out at home, particularly avoiding the watchful eyes of others at the gym (especially if you have no clue what you are doing like me). I also love doing home gym workouts as these take so much less effort or motivation than going to the gym.

Workout YouTube videos

I have personally used these YouTube channels to workout to and I would highly recommend (please add your recommendations to the comments sections as I would love new ones to try). 

  1. Tom Daley (most videos are 6 to 10 minutes long)
  2. The Body Coach
  3. MadFit (provides a wide range of workout types from dance part videos to HIIT and strengthening)

Outdoor exercise 

This is the cheapest way to exercise as all you need is yourself and any equipment you require. 

  1. Brisk walking (do not underestimate how tiring this can be over long distances)
  2. Running
  3. Cycling
  4. Outdoor gyms
  5. Swimming in lakes (remember to check it is safe to swim in them prior to getting in)

If you have any other ideas that I have missed, please leave them in the comments section below. 
