Physical activity guidelines by age group

Published: 22/04/2020
Why is being active important?

  • Inactivity is now a greater risk to health than obesity
  • BUT 1/4 of the population does less than 30 minutes of physical actvity a week
  • This can be overcome by just walking (for example increasing your walking time to 20 to 30 minutes a day)
  • Doing regular physical activity reduces the risk of all cause mortality by 30%

Chief Medical Officer Physical activity guidelines
Less than 5 years

  • If able to walk – active for at least 180 minutes each day
  • Infants – at least 30 minutes of tummy time whilst awake every day (includes reaching, grasping, pulling themselves forward etc)

5 to 18 years
  • Average of 1 hour of moderate to vigorous activity every day across the week
  • Engage in variety of activities to develop movement skills and strengthen bone and muscle
  • Minimise sedentary behaviour

Adults (19 to 64 years)
  • Aim to be active daily
  • 150 minutes per week of moderate activity OR 75 minutes of vigorous activity OR combination of vigorous and moderate
  • Strengthening activities twice a week
  • Minimise extended periods of sitting down

Older adults (65+ years)
  • Aim to be active daily
  • 150 minutes per week of moderate activity OR 75 minutes of vigorous activity OR combination of vigorous and moderate
  • At least twice a week engage in activities to maintain muscle strength, balance and flexibility
  • Strengthening activities two times a week
  • If at risk of falls incorporate activities to improve balance and coordination at least two days a week

How do you know what is moderate or vigorous activity?
Moderate = an activity where you can continue a conversation without taking a break (e.g. walking)
Vigorous = an activity where you can have a conversation BUT you require breaths within it (e.g. running)

For more information on the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Phyiscal activity guidelines
UK Chief Medical Officers' Physical Activity Guidelines (2019) Available at:

Age group specific summary can be found on pages 9 and 10.

Taken from: UK Chief Medical Officers' Physical Activity Guidelines (2019) page 13

Taken from: UK Chief Medical Officers' Physical Activity Guidelines (2019) page 23

Taken from: UK Chief Medical Officers' Physical Activity Guidelines (2019) page 28

Taken from: UK Chief Medical Officers' Physical Activity Guidelines (2019) page 35
