Placement top tips

Published: 12/04/2020

If I could go back in time and do things differently on my 1st placement I would do these.

Ask Questions
Admitting to not knowing something very well or having no experience of it is not a weakness. It is the foundation on which professional development and growth is built.

All my placement educators (or supervisors) have shared with me that they prefer a student who asks questions as they can gauge their level of understanding compared to a student who remains quiet and withdrawn. 

Don't be afraid to ask for additional learning opportunities
If you have found a particular department or area (such as pediatrics) during your research on the placement site. Discuss shadowing a clinician for a day with your placement educator, the worse case scenario is being told no. 

Be open to feedback
When given feedback listen with an open mind. It is given to help you develop further.

Make the most of every learning opportunity
Whether your current placement is where you aspire to work or one that you cannot wait to finish. Aim to learn as many practical skills as possible, these skills could prove transferable to other settings. You never know...

Be honest 

When you meet with your educator during your protected meeting time, discuss any difficulties you have or any issues you may experience going forward. Being open and honest about these will allow your educator to support you and jointly devise coping strategies together.
