Deep cleaning your student house

Published: 15/07/2020

At the end of each tenancy it is recommended to deep clean your student house to keep your deposit. These is my guide to deep cleaning.

Bathroom/Shower room

Extractor fan

  • wipe with a damp cloth and remove any dust


Cream cleanser

  • pour some cream cleanser into the sink
  • Wipe around the sink with a cleaning cloth and scrub with the cloth where there are marks
  • Rinse the cloth twice is clean water
  • Wipe the sink again to remove the clean cleanser
  • Rinse the cloth once more


Using cleaning fluid

  • pour some fluid into the bath
  • Wipe around with a cleaning cloth
  • Scrub with a cloth any areas which have marks
  • Rinse the cloth in clean water twice
  • Wipe the bath down with the rinsed cloth
  • Rinse the cloth once more
  • Pour bleach around the toilet rim
  • Leave for 30 minutes
  • Scrub the toilet to remove any debris
  • Flush the toilet

  • Use oven cleaning products
  • Follow packet instructions

  • Use a grease removing cleaning fluid
  • Pour some onto the hob
  • Wipe it around with a cloth and scrub on any rough parts to remove the mess
  • Rinse the cloth then wipe the hob down again

Kitchen surfaces
  • Wipe the surfaces with a cloth dipped in washing up liquid and water

Other rooms in the house
  • Hoover the floor and around the edges
  • Dust all surfaces 
