How to work effectively

Published: 18/07/2020

My top tips to get the most out of each day with both work and leisure time.

Top tips
General tips
  • Study smart
  • Create a schedule
  • Prioritise
Schedule specific tips
  1. Mark out time for lectures and societies
  2. Mark out time for meals and an hour for downtime on the evening
  3. Mark out time for sports (regular sport helps to aid concentration)
  4. Break up your study sessions into 1 hour to 1 hour and 30 minute chunks with 30-minute breaks in between
  5. Do physical jobs during your study breaks (e.g. making a cup of tea, hoovering your room or going for a walk)

Create a schedule
It may seem strange, but this helps you to effectively plan your time and to see how much time you would have available each day to do your academic work.

Jack Edward's creative method for organising your work based on priority.

There is no point in doing your lowest priority jobs first and your highest priority jobs last. Do the jobs that have the closest deadline 1st to keep on top of your deadlines. However, if there are some small jobs you can cross of two in between the high priority jobs I would suggest including them.

Med School insider's video
Study Smart
This is the best trick I learned to learn content effectively. This strategy will help you to reduce the amount of time spent studying and free up more leisure time. The techniques available at discussed in the Med School Insider's video below.
