Retaining student house deposit

Published: 15/07/2020

Here are some tips on how to retain your student house deposit. This information is based upon the information on the blog post below from a student property management company.

Top tips
  • Clean the house
  • Remove all your belongings
  • Avoid using blu Tac on the walls or leaving any evidence behind
  • Return the keys
  • Cut the garden's grass with a lawn mover (if provided with the property)
Key point: leave the house in the best state you can at the end of the tenancy.

You can either pay for a professional deep clean or do the cleaning yourself to save money. Keeping your house clean throughout the tenancy will reduce the work at the end.

Please see my deep cleaning blog post for more information about deep cleaning. 

If you do not want certain belongings anymore either try to sell them on Ebay (or other sites) or donate them to a charity shop near your student house. 

Blu Tack
Only use Blu Tack on things such as wardbrobes or desks to avoid leaving behind marks. If you do want to stick stuff up on the walls, I suggest using Command Strips or Hooks which you can remove without leaving any marks behind. 

If you have any further tips, please put them in the comments below. 
